Areas of IP & Brand Protection | Supply Chain Security Practice

We don’t just put out the fires, but make sure there are systems in place so that the risk is minimized or eliminated entirely.
Bartko’s seasoned team of subject matter experts can quickly respond to the needs of global brands to protect their IP across the globe.

The practice group addresses IP Security within corporations, Brand Protection (both counterfeiting and grey market) as well as global supply chains from manufacturing to delivery to end-users. The purpose of the IP Security Practice Group is to allow corporations access to a deep pool of experienced investigators, as well as, legal and compliance experts that have direct and relevant experience addressing these issues globally.

Bartko is one of the few firms that has hands-on experience working these types of issues on a global basis. When these issues come up, it is usually outside counsel or a designated in-house counsel, who have limited hands-on experience conducting investigations in a factory, on a channel partner or with governmental entities in foreign countries that are tasked with handling the issue. We bring that hands-on experience in partnership with internal resources to help secure our clients’ IP.

The IP Security and Brand Protection Group not only conducts investigations and risk assessments, but creates and implements risk mitigation strategies. We don’t just put out the fires, but make sure there are systems in place so that the risk is minimized or eliminated entirely.

Why it is Critical to Protect IP Before it is Stolen

In a trade secret theft case, it’s absolutely essential to demonstrate to a judge or jury that the company took reasonable steps to protect its trade secrets. If information is stolen, the defendant will argue that the secrets were not adequately protected.

Trade secret plaintiffs need to be prepared to prove that they took reasonable steps to protect their IP.

Our team will design a solution that will provide the company with proof that it reasonably protects its trade secrets.

Attorneys Practicing in IP & Brand Protection / Supply Chain Security

Oliver Q. Dunlap
Sean R. McTigue
Kenneth Richard
Special Counsel
Patrick M. Ryan
Co-Managing Partner
Stephen Steinberg
Jason A. Zweig