Bartko regularly goes toe to toe with some of the largest law firms in the world and wins.
We are nimble, creative problem solvers who are laser focused on producing results for our clients. This is especially true in antitrust cases, which require targeted strategies to promote efficient litigation in such complex business cases. Our wealth of experience, out of the box thinking, and thoughtful consideration of the issues unique to every case, have regularly produced landmark results for our clients. The breadth of our work on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants provides us with a distinct ability to see multiple perspectives, and explore innovative strategies. In doing so we prepare every case for trial, enhancing our clients’ settlement posture and ultimately setting them up for positive outcomes, whether via trial or settlement.

Since 1978, Bartko’s antitrust group has had a track record of success at trial in such varied high profile litigation, including successfully defending Gary Swanson, the last man standing in the U.S. government’s price-fixing DRAM criminal case, which was the only case to go trial, and defeating a $1.3 Billion claim against Sutter Health in a five-week class action jury trial.

In our plaintiffs’ side work, Bartko’s antitrust group continuously works to move cases forward, securing milepost victories for its clients with the end goal in mind. We are steadfast in our determination to vindicate our clients’ rights. Bartko regularly goes toe to toe with some of the largest law firms in the world and wins. But Bartko’s flexibility is not limited to litigation tactics alone—to facilitate similar work on behalf of plaintiffs, Bartko has the capacity to engage in contingent work with the support of litigation funding that has no involvement in the firm’s chosen strategy and tactics.

The same pattern of diligent dedication and successful outcomes applies to Bartko’s consulting work, where the depth of our trial experience and mindful approach has proven invaluable in avoiding potential exposure from litigation and government investigations. By maintaining a keen eye on the best possible results for our clients, we work hand in hand with them to tirelessly and deftly negotiate away high stakes threats to their interests.

Attorneys Practicing in Antitrust

Michael D. Abraham
John J. Bartko
Robert H. Bunzel
Tyler M. Cunningham
Senior Counsel
Brittany N. DeJong
Senior Counsel
Chad E. DeVeaux
Kerry L. Duffy
Oliver Q. Dunlap
Marisa C. Livesay
Senior Counsel
P. Casey Mathews
John “Jack” McLean
Of Counsel
Kenneth Richard
Special Counsel
Patrick M. Ryan
Co-Managing Partner
Stephen Steinberg
Steve Vieux
Senior Counsel
Jason A. Zweig
Natalie A. Felsen