We help clients protect their valuable intellectual property (IP), including trademark rights and copyrights, whether through registration, negotiation, or litigation against infringers. We also regularly defend clients against claims for trademark and copyright infringement. From up-and-coming startups, to long-established companies and brands, to highly talented and successful sole proprietors, Bartko ensures the best protection for our clients regardless of which side of a dispute they are on.

At Bartko, we understand that helping our clients protect their valuable IP requires a multi-faceted approach, especially in an increasingly dynamic and fast-changing market. Rights arising from trademarks, trade dress, and copyrights can be among clients’ most critical intellectual property. Bartko’s seasoned attorneys have counseled numerous companies on the best ways to strategically protect their IP, including clearing and registering trademarks and registering copyrights, and developing strategies and best practices for strengthening and maintaining trademark rights. When clients have encountered infringement in the market, whether an isolated instance or widespread, we have achieved outstanding results through litigation of trademark and copyright infringement claims.

At Bartko, we understand that helping our clients protect their valuable IP requires a multi-faceted approach, especially in an increasingly dynamic and fast-changing market.
Bartko’s litigators also know that companies sometimes seek to use trademark and copyright infringement litigation as a tool to stifle legitimate competition. Clients routinely turn to us to counsel them on and defend against such claims in an aggressive but efficient manner.

Ranging across a broad array of industries and issues—from cases involving brand logo or online infringement, to domain name cybersquatting, to infringement of artistic works, to copying of computer code—our attorneys have successfully tried high-stakes cases to juries, judges, and arbitrators, and achieved favorable settlements for both plaintiffs and defendants.

Our depth of substantive and technical understanding, our experience handling complex IP litigation on both sides, our ability to tailor an approach to each client’s needs, and our willingness to take cases to trial, all ensure the best possible protection of Bartko’s clients’ legal interests. Together, we are able to analyze the critical technical issues, develop an effective trademark or copyright protection or defense strategy, and, if necessary, present winning arguments to judges and juries. With these skills, Bartko litigators have secured victory at trial, obtained groundbreaking injunctive relief and succeeded in other dispositive motion practice, and achieved favorable settlements where possible. We are ranked by Chambers among the top California lawyers in Trademark, Copyright, and Trade Secret litigation.

Unlike traditional big firm litigators, we are trial lawyers who think creatively and practically to help our clients achieve their overall objectives. The lack of big firm overhead means that Bartko can cost-effectively handle smaller cases, while at the same time prevail against some of the largest and most feared law firms in the country. Whether you are a startup, long-established brand, or a successful individual entrepreneur, Bartko can help ensure your essential IP rights are protected and enforced, or that infringement litigation by the competition does not destroy the value you have created.

Attorneys Practicing in Trademark & Copyright Litigation

Sony B. Barari
Oliver Q. Dunlap
Joseph J. Fraresso
P. Casey Mathews
Sean R. McTigue
Kenneth Richard
Special Counsel
Benjamin K. Riley
Patrick M. Ryan
Co-Managing Partner
W. Paul Schuck
Special Counsel
Brian A. E. Smith
Stephen Steinberg
Jason A. Zweig
Natalie A. Felsen